Thank you for joining us for the 35th annual
George S. & Dolores Doré Eccles Foundation
Thank you to our Bald Eagle Circle Sponsors:
Patricia Guimes
Thank you to our Golden Eagle Circle Sponsors:
Jeanne and Doug Dickey
Thank you to our Hummingbird Circle Sponsors:
James and Catherine Nunn
Thank you to our Bluebird Circle Sponsors:
Elaine Averett
Marilyn Holowacz
Betty D. Mickelson Memorial
Marian Sanjana in honor of her friend Penny Brackenbury
Carla and Stan Sydenham
Adopt-A-Native-Elder would like to acknowledge and give special thanks to volunteer John Aldrich for the countless hours and care you take in photographing all of the beautiful rugs, filming and editing of the Rug Show videos. Ahéhee', John.